AMAROS study
Removal or irradiation in lymph node involvement

The AMAROS study compared surgical removal of lymph nodes in the armpit area (ALND) with radiation therapy to the armpit area (ART) in patients with breast cancer at stage cT1-2 (up to 5 cm) without metastases in the lymph nodes, but with affected sentinel lymph node.
After 5 years, both methods showed excellent and comparable control over the armpit lymph nodes, with significantly fewer complications observed after ART (radiation therapy).
In the 10-year analysis, a low level of recurrences in the armpit area was confirmed after both procedures, without a difference in overall survival and recurrence-free survival.
Considering the lower risk of lymphatic edema, ART is preferable to ALND for patients with positive sentinel nodes and breast cancer at stage cT1-2.
More information about the study can be found here.