When it is not necessary to remove all lymph nodes
Axillary Lymph Node Dissection (ALND)

Axillary Lymph Node Dissection (ALND) should be performed under the following conditions:
- Adequate tumor-specific adjuvant systemic therapy is not being conducted or planned.
- Segmental breast resection without adjuvant whole breast irradiation.
- After neoadjuvant therapy.
- Mastectomy without planned PMRT (post-mastectomy radiation therapy).
- Clinical, palpable, or radiological (ultrasound/MRI) suspicion of the presence of other suspicious lymph nodes, in addition to sentinel lymph nodes.
- Clinical, palpable, or radiological (ultrasound/MRI) suspicion of more than 2 suspicious lymph nodes pT3.
In other cases, ALND may not be necessary.
lymph nodesALNDRecommendations
Dr. med. Sergej Popovich06.11.2023